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6 Reasons Why Young Entrepreneurs Thrive in Modern Coworking Spaces

Posted by David Dinh on December 11, 2020
Why Young Entrepreneurs thrive coworking space

When you step into a coworking space, you’re likely to bump into young people more often than not. This is because a lot of younger professionals, particularly, young entrepreneurs suit coworking environments very well and find themselves thriving in the unique environment that coworking spaces provide. 

To understand why modern coworking spaces are suitable for young entrepreneurs, it’s important to understand what they are like.

Young Entrepreneurs are:


Young entrepreneurs are often fresh out of university or have only been working for a handful of years before they ventured into entrepreneurship. Oftentimes, they are also only venturing into entrepreneurship for the first time and are more passionate than seasoned entrepreneurs who have been doing business for decades. Younger entrepreneurs are also more energetic and like to work with a faster pace given their youth and their desire to get things done as soon as possible.

Have less funding

Since younger entrepreneurs are venturing into business at a younger age, they often have had less time to save up, and if they do have investors, the funding is usually limited and they deal with budget constraints more so than older entrepreneurs who have more financial resources.

Have smaller teams

Since young entrepreneurs are only just starting out, they usually work on their own or have small teams consisting of only a handful of members.

Have less experience

With youth comes inexperience. Young entrepreneurs, even if they’ve worked in previous startups before or have worked on businesses, are still unseasoned and lack the valuable insights and skills that only experience and no formal education can provide.

Know fewer people in the industry

Young entrepreneurs are newcomers to whatever industry they are setting their businesses in; this means they know fewer people in the industry as well.

coworking spaces for young entrepreneurs

6 Reasons Why Young Entrepreneurs Thrive in Modern Coworking Spaces

Coworking spaces have it all for an affordable price

Young entrepreneurs are overflowing with passion but are working on tight budgets. Spending on amenities and renting out an office space is not the smartest use of their money. Coworking spaces have it all: furnishings, wifi, printing services, pantry, and even a concierge. These are all relevant to productivity however setting these up on your own would take a lot of resources. For young entrepreneurs, coworking spaces provide a cost-effective alternative to having all the amenities and supplies they need to get work done in a proper office without spending a huge chunk of their budget.

Work environment

Though entrepreneurship allows you to work anywhere you want in the world and many young entrepreneurs start their businesses in their homes or garages, it can be demotivating to work where you should rest and many young entrepreneurs seek to be in a professional yet relaxed environment that puts them on work mode. Additionally, being surrounded by the energy of fellow freelancers, professionals, and startups helps motivate individuals to work harder and be productive.

Builds Reputation

One of the key advantages of renting coworking spaces is availing the high-end office experience at a much lower price. Coworking spaces are often located in central business districts or commercialised areas which are highly coveted for the prestige and impression that come with them. Working in a coworking space allows you to use a much more reputable business address, which gives a better impression of your company. This is very valuable especially for young entrepreneurs who need every help they can get in establishing the credibility of their businesses.

Networking Opportunities

While working in the comforts of their homes is always a treat, young entrepreneurs have little opportunity to meet people when they don’t go out. Coworking spaces give them access to a community of passionate freelancers and like-minded entrepreneurs whom they can learn from or work with when necessary. Young entrepreneurs are at a crucial stage in their business careers and more than what they know, it’s who they know that matters. The person they share a table with could be a potential collaborator, partner, or even client in the future. Hence having the opportunity to network with a niched community is a priceless perk that comes with the shared coworking space.

modern coworking spaces in singapore


A lot of young entrepreneurs value their freedom more than anything. They can work whenever they want and come and go as they wish. Coworking spaces are designed to cater to that flexibility in mind. Professional nomads can go to whichever coworking space is available in the city they’re in as they travel to their hearts’ contents while working on their businesses. 

Coworking spaces also have another sort of flexibility — they cater to what you need when you need it. Most coworking spaces have varying workspaces from hotdesks to private offices. Depending on what their businesses need, young entrepreneurs can simple go to the concierge and have their rental terms changed to accommodate their needs at that moment. This is incredibly convenient and saves a lot of time which are better used working on their businesses.


While young entrepreneurs are full of passion, they lack experience. Even if they received the most expensive education money can buy, they are limited by their lack of experience and youth. For this reason, it is vital for young entrepreneurs to seek learning opportunities and aim for growth in order to increase their chances of success. 

Coworking Spaces are hotbeds for people who are in the same industry; you are more likely to come across peers in the same line of work or mentors who could guide you in your entrepreneurial journey in a niched environment in coworking spaces than you would working in a coffee shop. Additionally, some coworking spaces hold events and workshops catering specifically to startups and entrepreneurs so that any young entrepreneur renting a space with them has access to various business-based advice that they could not get anywhere else.

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